SAF Endorses New Forest-Climate Platform

November 9, 2020

Today, the Forest-Climate Working Group released a new federal policy platform intended to shape climate action in Congress. The new platform is proudly endorsed by SAF and 42 other CEOs and organizations. 

 “For more than a decade, the Forest-Climate Working Group has developed consensus policy proposals that advance forests and forest products as a climate change solution, tapping the diverse expertise of landowners and manufacturers, agencies and researchers, and conservation NGOs,” said Jad Daley, President and CEO of American Forests, and Co-Chair of the FCWG. “With the impacts of climate change advancing daily, this new policy platform represents a credible and broadly supported roadmap for federal policymakers to confidently take action that will spur greater carbon capture in public and private forests alike, and more fully leverage the power of wood products to store carbon and reduce GHG emissions from manufacturing.”

Click here to read the press release. 

The policy platform, which includes detailed proposals in five key areas, outlines how policymakers can help private forest owners and public land managers grow the powerful climate solutions in America’s forests and forest products while delivering a myriad of other environmental and economic benefits.

New Proposals
New Conservation Easement Program 
Remove the Cap on the Reforestation Trust Fund
Landowner Tax Credit for Private Forest Carbon Actions
Low Carbon Footprint Building Tax Credit 
Strengthening the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program 

We encourage SAF members to share this platform within their networks, particularly with their elected representatives.

Click here to read and share the platform.