New Position Statement: Recreation and Managed Forestlands

March 10, 2021 

The Board of Directors recently approved SAF’s newest Position Statement on Recreation and Managed Forestlands. Developed by the Committee on Forest Policy (CFP), in collaboration with relevant SAF working groups and other experts, the Position Statement acknowledges the important relationship between actively managed forestlands and all types of recreational activities. SAF recognizes that recreation is an important use that should be considered integral to forest management decisions, and SAF supports programs and policies that educate and support land users and managers in balancing the costs and benefits of recreation on actively managed forests. The Position Statement also highlights how forest management and recreation have long-term funding needs and identifies multiple methods for land managers and recreational users to support both. Lastly, SAF acknowledges the use of technology and how it can be used to connect, educate, and communicate forest management objectives and activities to the recreational user. Special thanks to Kelly Norris and Ryan Armbrust for leading this effort on behalf of the CFP. Excerpt below. 

To acknowledge the important relationship between actively managed forestlands and recreation.

Actively managed forestlands and all types of recreational activities on those lands.

Forests provide a setting for many recreation-based social, economic, and environmental benefits in the United States. The Society of American Foresters (SAF) recognizes recreation as an important use that should be considered integral to forest management decisions. SAF supports programs and policies that educate and support land users and managers in balancing the costs and benefits of recreation on actively managed forests. Often this can be done through collaboration with recreational user groups, ensuring their interests are considered in forest objectives and management strategies. 

SAF encourages members and stakeholders to read, share, and use this and other National Position Statements when developing local unit statements, public comments and letters, talking points, and any other outreach opportunities.

Click here to download and share the full statement.