
Student Leadership Award

This award recognizes an SAF student member who displays the ability, talent, and skill to be a leader in his/her peer group at the local, regional, or national level.

The award includes a $200 honorarium for the recipient, one complimentary SAF convention registration, and up to $500 to offset convention travel expenses. This award also includes $150 in travel support for the recipient’s SAF Student Chapter Faculty Advisor and a $150 donation to the recipient’s SAF Student Chapter.


Nominees must be student members of SAF at the time the nomination period closes. Nominees are eligible at any level of their higher education, including Associate degree programs.


Evaluation will be based on meeting the following criteria:


Nominees shall be acknowledged student leaders that have demonstrated initiative in addressing student and young professional issues and/or forestry-related issues in general. This leadership can be demonstrated in student activities, SAF student chapter involvement, employment activities, or involvement in SAF or other professional activities at any level.


As a direct result of his/her student leadership activities, nominees shall have effected significantly the manner in which student-based activities are conducted, practiced, or performed.

Academic Achievement

Nominees shall be in good academic standing within their school’s system. Nominees must have demonstrated strict adherence to high professional standards, as well as good citizenship both within their school environment and in extracurricular activities.

Level of Activity

Nominees shall be active SAF student chapter members at the time the award is given and have a record of significant accomplishments related to student activities and affairs and/or activities at the local, state, regional, national, or international levels.


Your nomination packet must be submitted through the online submission portal site and include:
     •  Nominator and Nominee information will be completed online.
     •  A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets the award criteria, with each criterion addressed separately in a brief paragraph.
     •  Letters of endorsement, not to exceed three (in addition to the nomination letter), on the nominee's achievements with the award criteria. At least one of these letters must be from an educator at the nominee's current institution.
     •  A current resume, not to exceed three pages.
     •  Any relevant college transcriptions, with personal identification numbers redacted.
     •  Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.

Student Leadership Award Recipients

Award YearRecipient
2024Trisha Markus86199
2023Christine N. Martens91540
2022Ashley Carter91095
2021Ms. Trisha Nelson83805
2020Ms. Samantha Kay Seamon80358
2019Mr. William Griffin31164
2018Mr. Jordan T. Luff30265
2017Mr. William Durham59532