SAF Develops New “Forests and Wildlife” Position Statement

June 24, 2024

SAF’s Board of Directors recently approved a new position statement entitled “Forests and Wildlife.” Led by Committee on Forest Policy member Phil Bryce, the position addresses the influence that both forest management and wildlife have on the elements needed to support healthy populations of wildlife species. 

The position opens by stating that SAF “advocates for the essential role that active forest management plays in sustaining and restoring wildlife habitats, key habitat elements, and associated species. Through science-based forest management practices, natural resources managers can maintain and balance the compositional, functional, and structural diversity of forests at various spatial and temporal scales.” The twelve-page position statement goes on to discuss important concepts such as threats to wildlife, balancing individual species needs over time and space, existing efforts to sustain wildlife populations, and the significant and necessary role of forest management in these processes.

SAF has also developed a shareable briefer that summarizes the key points of the position statement and social media graphics to educate decision makers and the public. Members are welcome to share these resources with their networks and to use these resources in their own educational and advocacy efforts.

In addition to our lead authors, we are grateful for contributions from the entire Committee on Forest Policy, the Forest Science & Technology Board, the House of Society Delegate members, SAF Communities of Interest, and SAF’s Board of Directors.

The position statement will expire in 2028, unless, after subsequent review, it is further extended by the SAF Board of Directors. All SAF position statements are available on our website.

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