Updated Position Statement from SAF: "Forest Carbon Offsets"

September 5, 2024

SAF’s Board of Directors recently approved an updated position statement, “Forest Offset Projects in Carbon Trading Systems,” drafted by the Committee on Forest Policy (CFP) with lead authorship by CFP member Lilli Kaarakka of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Forest carbon offset markets have gained widespread public attention as a financial instrument to mitigate climate change and invest in our forests. These markets have inherent risks with some projects receiving public criticism, prompting a timely response from SAF. SAF supports forest offset projects that meet stringent criteria ensuring real, additional, and permanent greenhouse gas reductions while preserving other ecosystem services, such as timber supply and biodiversity. SAF also emphasizes the importance of improving market access for all forest landowners, acknowledging the significant role forests play in supporting rural economies. There is a need for a stable market and regulatory environment to mitigate risks and increase participation in the offset market, which could boost revenue for diverse forest owners

Sustainable forest management plays a key role in carbon sequestration, but SAF stresses the need for a balanced approach that recognizes the multifaceted value of forests. Forest carbon cannot be maximized at the expense of other essential services provided by forests. SAF therefore calls for continued research and development of carbon offset methodologies that enhance the integrity of forest carbon offsets, ensuring they contribute to both wood-based carbon storage and the long-term resilience of forest ecosystems. 

In addition to our lead author Lilli Kaarakka, we’d like to thank the entire Committee on Forest Policy, the Forest Science & Technology Board, the House of Society Delegate members, SAF Working Group members, and SAF’s Board of Directors for their contributions. SAF has also developed a shareable briefer that summarizes the key points of the position statement and social media graphics to educate decision makers and the public. Members are welcome to share these resources with their networks.

The position statement will expire in 2028, unless, after subsequent review, it is further extended by the SAF Board of Directors

Visit the policy webpage to explore all of SAF’s National Position Statements.