Updated Position Statement from SAF: Forester Credentialing

June 17, 2024

SAF’s Board of Directors recently approved an updated position statement, “Programs to Credential Foresters and Other Forestry Professionals” drafted by the Committee on Forest Policy. The statement was originally adopted in 1985 and revised and renewed in 1996, 2001, 2004, 2010, and 2018.

The position statement promotes competency in the practice of professional forestry through six key elements associated with credentialing programs: (1) professional forestry education, (2) examination, (3) professional experience, (4) continuing forestry education, (5) adherence to a standard of professional practice, and 6) compliance mechanisms that protect the integrity of the program. SAF supports governments and organizations that administer and enforce professional forester credentialing programs and advocates for the competency of all professionals as a means to achieve scientifically sound, responsible, sustainable forest management in rural and urban settings.

According to lead author Hughes Simpson, some of the key changes to the newly revised statement include broadening the position to cover other forestry professionals, adding new criteria to support compliance and transparency, developing “Purpose” and “Scope” statements for clarity, and including a glossary of key terms.

In addition to our lead author, we’d like to thank the entire Committee on Forest Policy, the Forest Science & Technology Board, the House of Society Delegate members, SAF Working Group members, and SAF’s Board of Directors for their contributions. SAF has also developed a shareable briefer that summarizes the key points of the position statement and social media graphics to educate decision makers and the public. Members are welcome to share these resources with their networks.

The position statement will expire in 2028, unless, after subsequent review, it is further extended by the SAF Board of Directors

Visit the policy webpage to explore all of SAF’s National Position Statements. 

Explore SAF's Credentialing options for more details. 

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