Updated Position Statement from SAF: "Urban and Community Forestry"

June 10, 2024

SAF’s Board of Directors recently approved an updated position statement featuring a new title: “Strengthening Urban and Community Forestry for Multiple Benefits.” Led by SAF’s Committee on Forest Policy member Dr. Sharon Jean-Philippe—along with her two graduate students Jaq Payne and Melinda Mount—the position statement highlights the unique opportunities and challenges associated with the rapidly growing field of urban and community forestry.

“This newest version builds on previous versions in recognizing that urban and community forests should provide critical services related to physical and psychological human health, air quality, energy consumption, water quality, fire protection and recreation for all communities regardless of socioeconomic statuses,” said Dr. Sharon Jean-Philippe. The unique opportunities and challenges of urban and community forestry are related to the diverse set of stakeholders involved.

In addition to our lead authors, we’d like to thank the entire Committee on Forest Policy, the Forest Science & Technology Board, the House of Society Delegate members, SAF Working Group members, and SAF’s Board of Directors for their contributions. 

SAF has also developed a shareable briefer that summarizes the key points of the position statement and social media graphics to educate decision makers and the public. Members are welcome to share these resources with their networks. 

The position statement will expire in 2028, unless, after subsequent review, it is further extended by the SAF Board of Directors. 

Visit the policy webpage to explore all of SAF’s National Position Statements. 

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